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I'd like to welcome you to a resource which I hope will be able to help, inspire and direct you to the healing that you need. There are different forms of healing, such as emotional, spiritual as well as physical, but there is only one true source of all types of healing, and that is God. When we become physically sick or injured, God has already programmed us via our DNA to be able to recover back to a healthy state. However, there are times when we need Gods' direct intervention for all other types of healing.
Your search has brought you to a reservoir of hope. No matter what you are suffering from, God says "I am the Lord who heals you."
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Personal Testimony
Located at the top of the page are a variety of resources which will help to guide you. I have included my personal testimony of what God has done in my life, so that you know that I am not simply talking about theoretical healing, but what God has done specifically for me. There are a number of other healing testimonies included in the "God as healer" section.
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God as healer
This section introduces you to what God is capable of. God tells us that nothing is impossible for him. It looks at Jesus, who is the Son of God, who performed many miracles when He was with us. He is now in heaven, but He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us as our helper and comforter. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that supernatural healings are done today. This comprehensive section looks at many of the ways in which God can choose to heal us. The importance of Scripture (the writings in the Bible) is discussed, which is really Gods’ handbook to life. His many healing promises are completely trustworthy.
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For those of you who prefer to listen, I've recorded some topics which have a direct influence on healing in the “Audio” section. Areas such as power, authority, love and prayer are discussed, where God is always at the centre. Peace and faith also have an important bearing on your recovery.
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Eternal life
When God designed us, He provided our bodies with a living soul. This soul lives forever. When we die, this soul leaves our bodies, and for those people who believe in Jesus and accept him as their Lord and Saviour, Jesus comes to take us to heaven. This is the only way to get to heaven.
God so loves us that He sent his only Son Jesus, to take our sins upon himself, dying in our place, so that when we believe in him, we get forgiveness of our sins, we receive Jesus' perfect righteousness, and we have direct access to a personal relationship with God. This is an eternal relationship. In the future, we will be given a new, everlasting body for our soul to live in. This new body never gets old or tired or sick. See "Accepting Jesus" section to secure your place in heaven.
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Going deeper (Resources)
Finally, I want to encourage you to go deeper with God. He is totally amazing, as you'll find out when you continue to spend time talking (prayer) and listening to him. By reading and meditating on the Bible, you will get to know God really well. He has good plans for your life, but He wants you to come to him. He is waiting for your sincere approach. God is Spirit, and you can hear him talking to you in your spirit. Heaven is for real, and He wants you to spend forever with him. That's why He sent Jesus to build a bridge back to him. Check out the “Resources” section for ways to connect into the Christian community, as its so important to connect with those that you will spend an eternity with. If you need prayer, then check out “Prayerline”.
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