DVD media

This is only a small selection of DVDs that are currently available. Typing  "Christian healing DVD" in to Google will provide you with a wide range of possibilities. Care must be taken to ensure that DVDs comply with Christian teaching. The selection given below have been vetted for their Christian content.



The Azusa Street project

A fascinating investigation into the Azusa Street revival of 1906, which revealed the power of God coming through the fervent prayer of a few individuals, producing a “Baptism with the Holy Spirit”. Many people spoke in tongues, as first described in the book of Acts, chapter 1 and 2. Healings came as a result: a number of walking sticks and crutches were left behind by those who had received healing during the services.

Chronicles of Narnia – The lion, the witch and the wardrobe


Based on the book by C.S. Lewis, this is an epic adventure film for all the family. Set in a fantasy world, four children lead Narnia into a spectacular battle against the evil White Witch. Many biblical parallels exist within this story, with Aslan, the wise lion, playing a leading role. Resurrection is a key feature of this film.

Christian Healing | DVD

Miracles (from Shake the Nations)


Powerful testimonials showing the healing of a young boy’s blindness, the deafness of a baby who had undergone several tests proving that she was deaf, the disappearance of two brain tumors with medical evidence showing the “before and after” scans, and also the progressive, but total healing of a woman who had been wheel-chair bound for 23 years.

God’s Generals – Smith Wigglesworth


Part of the series of God’s Generals, this dvd reviews the life and actions of a man who had an extraordinary faith which impacted the lives of those who came to hear him preach and to see healings performed, through the working of the Holy Spirit. He was known for raising the dead and healing the sick, and declared that we need only to believe. In a vision, he could see a future revival which would be bigger than any so far seen, and that it would happen within the lifetime of his young friend.

Truth and Freedom – Foundations for healing


This is a 9 dvd set, divided into a series of 18 half –hour teaching programmes from Ellel Ministries. It covers many aspects of healing, including Inner Healing and Emotional Wholeness, Healing through Forgiveness, Understanding Deliverance, Overcoming Rejection, Sex and Sexuality, Fear, etc. This is a valuable resource either for personal use or for use in small groups.

Christian Healing | DVD

Rev. Tom Jewett “Wholeness according to the Scriptures.”

Isaiah61@ozemail.com.au     www.tomjewett.com.au

A seminar of 4 x 1 hour sessions covers the principles found in the Scriptures which should be applied when pursuing wholeness. Warnings are issued against the spiritual problems of deception, assumption and ignorance, so that prayers can be said in an informed way. This dvd is a valuable guide to practical Christianity, through the application of biblical truth. Rev. Jewett accumulated much practical experience and this lends a realistic edge, which helps to bring the biblical principles alive.

Finger of God


A collection of miracles and healings caught on camera from around the world. Gemstones appear from nowhere, people are raised from the dead; God reveals His heart for His people. Rare footage from the underground church in China shows the depth of worship that’s possible when the power of the Holy Spirit is fully embraced. A touching and uplifting compilation of stories.

Furious love


Travelling around the world to some of the darkest spiritual locations, Darren Wilson discovers that God’s unconditional love for each one of us can reach out to touch the hearts of everyone, regardless of what they have done in their lives. This transformational love is seen in action, changing the lives of people involved in New Age, witchcraft, the sex trade, drugs etc. The deluxe 3 DVD version has interviews on the theology of love and also on the reality of the spiritual battle going on in our midst.

Scars that heal


This the true life story of Dave Roever, a Vietnam veteran who suffered extensive wounds whilst on service. His wonderful recovery is an inspiration to others. His humorous role as public speaker reaches out to those who have been wounded by the trials of life. It is a powerful message that healing and hope can still be found in the midst of pain.



A powerful story based on a man’s desire to find the meaning of true love, and so recapture the heart of his wife, and save his marriage. In transforming his life, he discovers the healing power of faith, as he embraces biblical truths given to him from his father in the form of “love dares” which slowly changes his perspectives on life and love. He applies his fireman’s motto of “Never leave your partner behind.” to his wife, with amazing results.

Woman thou art loosed. (based on a novel by T.D. Jakes)


A hard-hitting story about the abuse of a child (Michelle) within a dysfunctional family, causing her to stray into a world of prostitution, drugs and imprisonment. Help comes in the form of Bishop T.D. Jakes, who visits her whilst in prison and counsels her back onto the road of healing.

Embracing grace. Judy Baker


Whenever relationships become dysfunctional, lives can be shattered, hearts and dreams broken. Judy combines modern day examples with truths from God’s word to explore how biblical reconciliation can cure the problem. By embracing God’s grace, we learn to turn to Him for the answers, as He is our source for healing, joy and peace.

Healing for a broken world – Christian perspectives on Public Policy

ISBN: 1-43350-496-0


How do we act, as responsible citizens, in a Christian manner to the world around us? This dvd consists of 12 public policy issues, such as justice, life issues, poverty, solidarity etc Interviews are held with various Christian scholars and public policy experts, to gain an insight into each of these issues. A study guide is included, which will assist in stimulating discussion and reflection.

Reflections on Psalm 23 for people with cancer – Ken Curtis


Having had his own battle against cancer, Ken found great courage and comfort in Psalm 23, written 3,000 years ago by Israel’s King David. Ken’s meditations were filmed in Israel, and give hope to those undergoing their own trials in life. Within this psalm is a sequence of steps which reveal much of David’s close relationship with God, and God’s love for His children. As the dvd states “You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”

God stories

ISBN: 0-9734701


This is volume 1 of a series where people give first-hand accounts of their encounters with God. A fascinating collection of stories which reveal the multiple ways God interacts with us: through giftings that He gives us, complete protection from evil, meeting our every need, angelic assistance in trying situations and healing from sickness and disease.

Goodbye Goliath


This study focuses on those aspects of our lives that hold us back from being all that we can be. This can take the form of fear, anxiety, guilt, anger etc. Lessons are drawn from the example of David and Goliath to show how God can enable us to conquer these things; the weapons which the enemy uses here are intimidation, infuriation and depreciation. Also included is a short testimony on a healing from addiction to heroin.

Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils – Dave Hunt


Dave covers a multitude of areas that have extensively influenced the church. As a result, there is a dilution of the gospel, as games are played with God’s word. Psychotherapy, positive mental attitude, books written by people in contact with seducing spirits, delusions and idolatry are discussed. He urges us to rise up against these things, so that the church may be purged. Searching the Scriptures will guard us against false doctrines.

God’s Generals - John G. Lake


Inspired by his own family being healed from sickness, John entered the healing ministry. Blessed with the gift of discernment, he would know what was in others’ hearts and would be able to guide them back towards God. Trusting fully in God, he went to South Africa, where many were healed. He also saw mass deliverance from evil spirits through the power of prayer. A training school for the healing ministry was set up, and through the use of healing rooms, populations became healthier.

God’s Generals – Maria Woodworth-Etter


In meeting with the Lord at an early age, Maria had a divine light come upon her. She was a pioneer for future women who wished to be active in the church. Her persistence in trying times won through, pulling many people to being saved, with many churches and Sunday schools being founded through her efforts. She suffered much persecution throughout her life. Maria was a true woman of God, with spiritual giftings of healings, visions and prophecies.

Wiles of the devil – Roger Oakland


Roger is an author and international speaker on the defense of the Christian faith, and addresses here the deception that the Bible predicts will happen in the last days (present day). He discusses Satan’s current and most effective plans to deceive both believers and unbelievers from believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The secret seduction – Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon


Part of a series of dvds from The Berean Call, a ministry founded to alert Christians to unbiblical teachings currently impacting the church, they focus upon the importance of biblical discernment. This dvd is a critical examination of Rhonda Byrne’s book and dvd The Secret. Dave and Tom expose the occult roots of New Spirituality and show its effect on the church today.

No greater love – Michael White


This is a film of the life of Carmelite nuns in London’s Notting Hill monastery, shot over the period of a year. With vows taken of chastity, poverty and silence, the nuns lead a life dedicated to prayer and contemplation. Several interviews shed light on their life, faith and belief in the power of prayer to help the community.
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