Help! booklets

Another series of booklets covering a variety of situations where you may find yourself in. These give a practical, Christian resonse. Remember that you are never alone in dealing with your problem. God is only a prayer away! 



Help! He’s struggling with pornography – Brian Croft

ISBN: 978-1846252181

This is an unprecedented time. Sexually explicit material is more readily available now than ever before, and a struggle with pornography is often the greatest snare for a Christian man today. So how can a Christian man find victory over pornography? This booklet presents the only true solution: God’s power working through the gospel within the context of the local church.

Help! I’m confused about dating – Joel James

ISBN: 9781846252471

Many Christian young people and parents have never consciously shaped their understanding of dating with the Bible. In fact, dating might be one of the areas where we have blindly followed the path beaten by the world. Let this personal, practical, fun and above all, biblical booklet be a counsellor and guide as you pursue the kind of relationships that truly honour God.

Help! My marriage has grown cold – Rick Thomas

ISBN: 978-1846252198

When two people choose to live in marriage for the rest of their lives, there will be challenges to work through. The transformation from two independent people to a one-flesh, other-centred union is not easy. Perhaps you are finding that your relationship that began so warmly has started to turn cold. Where can you turn for help? This booklet offers practical counsel from the Bible, helping you to work through marriage challenges in a God-honouring way.

Help! My spouse has been unfaithful – Mike Summers

ISBN: 978-1846252204

You never dreamed this would happen, but you are reeling from the news that your spouse has been unfaithful. You don’t know what to do. Betrayal, rejection, bitterness, despair – these emotions turn your life into a lonely journey. Where can you turn to for help? This booklet can assist you to navigate your way through the crisis. It offers perspective and hope that come from God’s Word, because what God  has to say is powerful and practical.

Help! My teen is rebellious – Dave and Judi Coats

ISBN: 9781846252457

Dave and Judi Coats were stunned when their teenage daughter said to them , “You are not going to tell me what to do!” Struggles with their teens drove them to their knees in prayer and to the Word of God for answers about teenage rebellion. Here they share the truths they discovered, the practical advice that helped, and the hope they found in the power of the gospel and God’s grace to change.

Help! My toddler rules the house – Paul and Karen Tautges

ISBN: 9781846252211

We live in a society dominated by child-centred parenting. A typical walk through a shopping mall, or local grocery store, often reveals this sad truth. The almost incessant whining of undisciplined children leads the discerning person to ask, “Just who is in charge anyway?” In this booklet, the seasoned parents of ten children provide frazzled moms and dads with practical counsel for bringing order to their homes.

Help! Someone I love has been abused – Jim Newheiser

ISBN: 978-1846252228

Abuse is a growing problem, and those who have been abused need help. This booklet equips the reader to offer compassionate biblical counsel to a victim of abuse. As well as providing practical instruction on how to help the victim gain safety and deal with the abuser in a biblical way, it points to the victory possible in Jesus Christ, who was abused for his people, and who has compassion on all hurting people who turn to him.

Help! Someone I love has cancer – Deborah Howard

ISBN: 9781846252174

If you have just heard that someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer, you may be feeling numb. Maybe you can’t believe the diagnosis. Where do you turn for help? This booklet provides some practical information on cancer and the choices you will face, but, most importantly, it also points you to Jesus Christ, the only One who can give you real comfort at this time.

      Help! I have breast cancer – Brenda Frields

ISBN: 978-1846252167

Writing from her own personal experience, Brenda was initially shocked at receiving her diagnosis of breast cancer. After the shock started to wear off, she found herself facing a number of questions: Will I need chemotherapy? Will the surgical procedure disfigure me? Am I going to die? Am I being punished by God? Her testimony will gently help you to face up to your own worries and fears, and direct you to the hope and peace that Jesus Christ brings.

      Help! Someone I love has Alzheimer’s – Deborah Howard and Judy Howe

ISBN: 978-1846253232

It can be a fearful time for us when we hear that someone that we love has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. It steals their dignity and ultimately their life, and causes both grief and agony. Is it possible to still honour God throughout this process? This booklet helps you to understand the disease, teaching you what the practical implications are. By understanding the Scriptures and submitting yourself to God’s perfect will, you can find peace and joy throughout this time.

Help! She’s struggling with pornography. – Rachel Coyle

ISBN: 978-1846252464

In today’s society, visual images are readily available through TV and internet, and steamy novels are on many bookshelves. This booklet explores the addiction and dangers of pornography for women. Rachel is a counsellor and has been helping women for more than ten years. She shows us how the Bible exposes this problem and also provides hope for freedom.

Help! I’m a slave to food – Shannon Kay McCoy

ISBN: 978-1846252426

Those of us who have difficulties in controlling our eating, with perhaps much of our time and thoughts devoted to it, can be helped by this booklet. Overeating hinders our spiritual growth and makes us less effective. Shannon uncovers the heart of the problem and looks at ways to renew our mind and walk forth into freedom.

Help! I can’t get motivated – Adam Embry

ISBN: 978-1846252488

How often do you put things off until tomorrow? Adam looks at the real issue behind why you can’t get motivated, and it’s nothing to do with willpower! We should be wise and hard-working, as God created us to be. The answer is found in the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Help! My baby has died – Reggie Weems


The greatest grief any parent can endure is the death of a child. No other experience compares to it. Words cannot describe the emotion. This booklet is offered as encouragement from one fellow sufferer to another. It is brief and will not answer every question you may have. But it does answer one very important question. There is indeed a God, and he is worthy of your trust, especially now. He is the eternal hope for grieving families.

Help! I’m drowning in debt – Dr. John Temple

ISBN: 978-1846252495

Unpaid bills, heavy mortgage or loan repayments, rising living costs… and no end in sight. Do you feel as if you are drowning in debt? If so, you are not alone. Debt is a universal problem today, but there are things you can do. This booklet looks at the causes of debt – spiritual and societal – and offers practical and biblical guidance for escaping financial bondage.

Help! My teen is gay – Ben Marshall

ISBN: 978-1846252433

Homosexuality is perhaps one of the most hotly debated subjects today, both in the media and within Christian circles. But what do you do when the issue comes closer to home: when your teenager tells you that he or she is gay? This booklet goes to the Bible to find clear answers, direction, and hope at a time when anger and grief may threaten to overshadow wisdom and discernment.

Help! I can’t handle all these trials – Joel James

ISBN: 9781846253249

“Who is in control? Why did this happen? What is God doing? Everyone asks questions like these when faced with intense or prolonged trials. The place to find answers is the Bible. In this booklet, you’ll find the answers God gave to Job in the book of Job. They will be just what you need to handle your trials with faith, peace, and hope, rather than doubt, confusion, and despair.

Help! I’m a single mom – Carol Trahan

ISBN: 978-1846252440

You probably never planned to be a single mom. You may feel confused, heartbroken, and overwhelmed. “Why has this happened?” you may ask yourself. “How will I cope? How will I pay my bills and raise my kids on my own?” This booklet, written by a single mom who wrestles with these challenges, will encourage you to trust God’s sovereign plan, knowing that his wisdom and love are perfect.

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