God as healer

An audio version of this page and all its associated pages exists in  http://christianhealing.me/control/audio/

First of all, you need to know that God loves you, and it's a very special kind of love; one that is unfailing, unconditional and self-sacrificing. He wants to draw you into an intimate relationship with him, to become adopted into his family, and to spend eternity with him. All these things are possible, but it's really up to you - do you want that too? The Bible tells us that if we seek him with our whole heart we will surely find him (Jeremiah 29:13). 

God is a self-confessed healer. He says “I am the Lord who heals you.”(Exodus 15:26) This is clearly seen when you look at Jesus.

When Jesus walked upon the earth, 2000 years ago, He went around healing people, and many people, when they heard what He was doing, came flocking to him, and all who came to him were healed. Read what the Scriptures say about him:

“When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him (Jesus); and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them.”(Luke 4:40 )
“And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all.”(Luke 6:19)

Jesus says “I only do what I see my Father doing.” (John 5:19), and since “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”,(Hebrews 13:8) we can expect that He still heals today.

Today, Christians can have a part to play in the healing process (see section on “Can we heal?).

There are a number of topics which influence the healing process, so I have split this subject area into the following sections: worship, truth, Scriptures, peace, faith, love, prayer and fasting, hope and finally Why does God not heal everybody?

Below are videos which shed some light on God as a healer, and includes testimonies of people who have received a healing from God:

God as healer

Knowing God as our healer.

God as healer testimonies

Sandy's unexpected miracle.

 Ruth Veldkamp - Forgiveness

Cindy's testimony of divine healing of stage 4 Melanoma cancer.

To Everyone Hurt By the Church

Coronavirus Healing - "I thought I was Moments away from a Ventilator"

'Jesus is Still in the Healing Business': GA Man Says God Healed Him of COVID-19 by Breathing into His Lungs

Healed of Cancer by Jesus | Ireta Willoughby Shares Her Testimony

Ten healing miracles

Jesus Healed My Inner Pain - Kim's Testimony

You Don't Believe In Miracle? Watch This!

Ross and Laurie share their healing testimonies.(knee healing etc)

Proof That God Still Heals (torn muscle)


If you are considering asking Jesus into your heart as Lord and Saviour, please visit Accepting Jesus

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